“This was a great experience not only for Hattie, but for my wife and me too. It gave us new insight into how to connect with Hattie with less ‘gibber-jabber’ and more patience and non-verbal clues – thanks to watching Amy interact with Hattie. I would, without hesitation, recommend Amy to anyone and everone, and, in fact, will begin doing so.” Bill
“Ria is a high intensity Lab! Amy has a wonderful approach which calms her down and allows the massage experience to be a therapeutic one! Ria loves Amy!!” Julie
“Molly was a rescued Lab with an abusive history, as well as being hit by a car. She has difficulty trusting strangers. It was amazing to watch her completely relax with Amy and accept massage to help her hip and neck.” Julie
“Miss Molly was wary the first two times, but then quickly warmed up to Amy and started anticipating her quiet time with Amy. Molly has a little sensitivity in her back and hind quarters that Amy was able to overcome and start addressing.” Marie